Bug Season is Here

July 29, 2023
Matt Miles

What is bug season? Bug season to me means that there is a lot insects out and the fish are noticing them. Which means its time to start using those buggy looking poppers or topwater flies. Damsels and dragon flies are hovering over the water aggravating smallies to jump up after them. Beetles, ants, and other insects are falling from the trees, so plenty of bug life now to interest the smallies appetite. In fact its been a couple weeks since I have even tied on a streamer. This is absolutely my favorite season to fish for smallmouth bass. Hard to beat throwing foam or cork bugs to the banks and being able to watch a explosive rise and sometimes just a sip from a smallie. Now that July is almost over we still have a couple more months to go with popper fishing. Generally popper fishing stays strong through the month of September. In fact September can be best topwater fishing of the year with annual Summer cicadas dying off and providing a easy meal. Looking forward to spending the rest of Summer on the river casting bugs to the banks. If this sounds like fun give us a call so we can find a date to show you what bug fishing is about!

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